Angels, Angels, Everywhere is a non-denominational, multiracial book written in delightful rhythm and rhyme and accompanied by charming illustrations. The themes of constant support and unconditional love are designed to help children deal with everyday experiences in life.
By developing children’s faith in knowing that they are not alone and building their trust that they are consistently watched over, cared for, and loved, children will become empowered to deal with life’s challenges. The book also lets children know that angels are there in good times as well, sharing in their joy.
Angels Are Real
If you’re willing to open yourself up to the possibility that angels exist, you’ll have made one of the best decisions of your life. Since I started believing in angels in 2008 and subsequently started asking for their help, my life has dramatically improved in ways I never could have imagined. Because I’ve witnessed such amazing results, I’m compelled to share this knowledge with others so they may benefit from this Divine connection.
In 2008, I attended a spiritual retreat where I learned about repetitive number sequences known as “angel numbers.” It’s a Heavenly “language” that angels use to give us messages and guidance. After I came home from the retreat, I learned everything I could about those special numbers and angels, and within a few months, the love I’d developed for the angels had opened up a direct line of communication with them!
Not only did I receive guidance in the form of numbers, but also occasionally, I would hear a sentence or two in my head. Usually, it was when I needed comforting, like the time I was driving myself to the emergency room in the middle of an allergic reaction. I was filled with extreme anxiety while I was driving, and my heart was racing. In my head, I heard the words, “We’re getting you there as fast as we can” repeating over and over. It helped to keep me calm and made me feel loved and protected.
As I was lying in the hospital bed hooked up to intravenous steroids, a young girl walked past me wearing a black sweatshirt that had big, white angel wings on the back of it! That was no coincidence. It was a validation that angels were right there by my side.
One day, the messages went beyond a sentence or two. I was on my way to work one morning, and I heard the beautiful poetry that would become the text for my first children’s book, Angels, Angels, Everywhere. I was also given the vision of the cover: four racially diverse female angels flying around the Earth, each holding a glowing yellow heart of Divine love and light. I was also given the vision for the back of the book: Archangel Michael holding the Earth with a huge glowing yellow heart of Divine love and light behind him. It was then that I knew Archangel Michael had given me the words for my book.
I’m humbled and blessed to be able to bring these words of comfort and joy to children. There’s nothing more fulfilling than having the opportunity to make a difference in a child’s life.
About the author:
In 2008, Michelle's life changed when she attended a spiritual retreat and learned about angels and how they communicate through repetitive number sequences known as "angel numbers." Little did she know that this insight would lead her on an amazing spiritual journey that would directly connect her with angels and result in the discovery of her life purpose.
Always grateful for the spiritual guidance she has received, Michelle looks forward to sharing the knowledge she has gained to inspire others, especially children. Michelle is a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI).
Her latest book is the juvenile fiction/children’s picture book, Angels, Angels, Everywhere.